Friday, December 14, 2007


I am so excited about Christmas but I hate all the Christmas shopping. I also hate how everbody is so consumed with the shopping, baking, and decorating instead of the real reason why we should celebrate Christmas. Personally, I celebrate Christmas because of the birth of Jesus Christ. Don't get me wrong gifts are nice but to let them consume this whole holiday is pointless.


(akw)Stretch said...

I agree with you Liz. People now a days don't care about Jesus the main reason of Christmas. All they want is the big stuff. Like a stupid big screen t.v. I know presents are really great but sometimes people forget that there is a GOD!!!! (and that is wrong)

♥TonyaJean♥ said...

Yeah, you both are right. No one celebrates Jesus anymore. Some people just don't believe in that. But you know everyone believes in their own thing. It is nice to get presents every now and then. if people believe in GOD then great, if not we can't force them!

Poet Gal (Liz) said...

Yeah, and the sad thing is teachers can't talk about the true story of Christmas because of seperatiion of Church and State. At the pre-school down stairs all the craft projects they do is Santa, Santa, and more Santa! I know Saint Nick was a real person, but come on! Why don't they do some craft projects on the manger or a nativity.